Compose Layouts and Modifiers: MAD Skills Wrap-Up


🎬 And with this, we conclude our MAD skills series on Compose Layouts and Modifiers! We’ve covered a lot in these episodes — from the very basics of layouts and modifiers, simple and powerful out-of-the-box layouts, Compose phases, to advanced concepts such as modifier chaining order and subcomposition. We also had a Live Q&A where we answered your questions on layouts and modifiers, as well as a useful community tip from a fellow Android developer.

If you haven’t had a chance to see the series yet, here’s a wrap-up of all the episodes.

The first episode covers the basics of Compose layouts and modifiers: how they work together, what out-of-the-box APIs Compose offers, and how to beautifully style your UI — all this while building a screen for a mini pixelated game screen called Android Aliens! Check out the blog post or the video:

Episode 2 in the series covers Compose phases. This helps create a mental model of how Compose actually transforms data into UI. Learn more from the video or from the blog post.

Episode 3 covers the constraints and modifier order. Building on top of the previous episode, we use that mental model to learn to reason about modifier chaining and how it influences the sizes of our composables. Check out the video or the blog post:

Episode 4 covers Advanced Layout concepts: how to build custom layouts in Compose, what the Layout phase is capable of, how to enter it and how to use its sub-phases — measurement and placement. We also cover two important, rule-defying Compose APIs: SubcomposeLayout, and Intrinsic measurements. Find out more in the video or blog post:

Episode 5 is a tip from a member of the Android community. Manuel Perera, lead Android Developer at Bumble, shows us how easy it is to tweak an out-of-the-box Compose layout, to implement a fun and complex looking real-life example. Check it out:

We love getting questions from you! Chris Arriola, Jolanda Verhoef, Andrei Shikov and myself tried to answer as many questions as possible, that came up from the community throughout the MAD Skills series. Here’s the video in case you missed it:

We hope you’ve learned new things about Compose, renewed old knowledge and most importantly — that you feel much more prepared and confident to migrate E V E R Y T H I N G to Compose 😀.


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